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Meet Kenyan star Henry Sudhe better known as T9 in an exclusive interview,with the Superstar

Henry sudhe aka T9  a Kenyan artist/rapper  hails from a humble background in Bondeni slums of Eldoret in Uasin Ghishu county.
T9 grew up in a Christian family of five siblings  and at his  tender age he joined the church choir as a juvenile member among the aged.
At  the age of 11years T9 lost his  mother who succumbed to the deadly cancer.
On his interview, he explains to us how his life took a sudden turn due to frustrations which lead him to be a street boy
He added "I had to provide for my siblings at all cost despite my age and status".
After being on the streets of Eldoret  for  2years he  later  he moved to the city of Nairobi were he adds," I met a good Samaritan i can only call it GOD,who offer  me shelter and a job  as a cleaner r in a certain hotel in the city" Two years later God brought another Samaritan who offers him  an opportunity  to  get back to school and thats  when he joined Dandora secondary school where his  great  journey in muscic was expanded
"4years was nothing to me,i was determined to change my life and my family status but the thing never went as planned as things got hard and forced me to get back to the street  for my journey of a hard knock in oder to survive" . 3years his star shinned when he did his first recording of a single with the best producers in the game hopping that it could offer him the fruits of hard work but this didn't get well as it was hard to secure airplay in media.
This never changed his optimistic approach of life  as he says thet he knew  everyone has  as a purpose in life  and God's timing is always the best.
T9 has told us the up to date ,struggle continues ...."and above all I give thank to the most high God without him we are nothing not even dust".
Life is just a step of faith we now run t9music @ YouTube t9music
*Humble beauty
*Friends meal


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