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"I relaxed a bit when the journey became soo hard for me" says Kenyan upcoming great artist Trizah Nduati

Trizah Nduati

Trizah Nduati  was born 36years ago and  started singing at the age of seven.
In a special interview with our editor, Trizer told us that her  mother  was also a very powerful singer in a church choir.
Perhaps its from her mother, that she tapped the talent and worked on it. speaking to the Superstar Magazine she says,"I started composing songs at the age of 13 when i could get revelation from wide topics,but i never saw it turning to a big music career, sometimes  i did if for fun or just for leisure". She managed to record her   first album tagged  "do not be afraid" in  the year 2012 after avery long jouney full of challenges.
Unfortunately, the album did not perform  to her expectations as it was very hard to  reach the audience well. 
In the year 2015, she did her  second album tagged  "Yesu kimbilio",  an album that managed to reach a few audience but still not so good though better than the first one .

Things are never easy in music,at times artist feel like giving up on the way, something that Trizah confirmed to us "I relaxed a bit  when the journey became soo hard for me"
But in the year  2018, she went back to the studio and recorded two songs "Jina la Yesu" and "Nimekukumbilia" songs that actually turnned to  be a breakthrough to her.  She is a powerful singer and has proven this through live ministries all over the nation.
The songs are doing well in the media platform and she might just be the next big thing in town.


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